I've seen a few "bird's nests" out there in creative jewelry land, and I really like the look. I am not necessarily thrilled with this first attempt, but I know exactly what I would change when/if I make another. I went ahead and put three eggs in there - one for me, one for Justin, and one for baby Boston who will be here before we know it!
My other new charm I made was a treble clef. This was an idea that struck me in the middle of the night, and I woke up the next morning and immediately pulled out my silver to make it. After I hammered the silver and got it into the shape of the clef, I realized the stem (the straight part in the back) wasn't going to sit the way I wanted it to without some help.
So, while I pondered how to overcome the problem, the charm sat for about 3 weeks. I finally figured out how to fix the problem, and I just love the look.
That's it for now. I think I am going to start making some more jewelry - I've definitely been missing it.