Friday, February 19, 2010

A much needed gift

One of my very best friends from High School recently had her home burglarized. Thankfully they were not home at the time, and some of their more precious items were not taken. However, one thing that was taken was all of her jewelry. She only had the pair of earrings she had been wearing and a necklace that was in a different place of the home at the time.

As I was talking to her about the whole ordeal, I decided that I wanted to make her some earrings to replace the ones she had lost. I ended up making 7 pairs. Probably more than she was expecting, but I got excited at making a whole bunch of earrings for a good friend. Most of these are similar repeats to some I've made in the past, but this first pair is something new.

I really like the way they turned out. I want to make another pair for myself to see if I can't tweak them just a little. They are really cool, though.

More birds. I made a pair for myself out of green birds, but I think the white ones are super cute.

I've made a few pairs of earrings like these, and I just really like them.

And again, another pair similar to what I've made in the past, but I tried something different this time, and really liked how they turned out.

It seems like most of what I post is either earrings or cards. You can tell what I like to make, obviously.
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1 comment:

Amanda Cheniae said...

Love that first pair! Very pretty, and so nice of you too! :)